About Spiritual Sticks

The practice of incense offerings has been around for centuries. The Bible, as well as many other religions in the planet, considered incense the KEY to removing sins and inviting blessings.

When sin is removed, the channels of blessing automatically become open, whether you repent or whether you don’t. It’s almost like a spiritual cheat code.

While at his lowest point in life, David Segal was offered the opportunity to go on a spiritual trip to India where he met a famous spiritual leader. What he learnt from the wise leader took him on an impromptu journey to Japan to hunt for the secrets of the incense sticks that are made to “save lives”.

There in Japan, he met one of the descendants of “the chosen family” – the family with a rich (and secretive) history of compounding kerotet for the Temple of Jerusalem. The family is well-known for refusing to disclose the manufacturing process of the incense sticks; this descendant whom David met was no different. Instead, David made a deal with the descendant and started introducing those specially compounded sticks to the world.

With the Spiritual Sticks bundle, you will be taken care of in different aspects of your life – from your health, wealth to your confidence and sleep. Using the sticks is simple too – just light up the incense sticks, insert them in the incense holder (that is provided in the bundle) and all that is left is to just breathe, simple as that!

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details on the program.